Promotie Vivre: BLACK FRIDAY VOUCHER -40% | 24 - 30 noiembrie pe

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BLACK FRIDAY VOUCHER -40% | 24 - 30 noiembrie pe

Durata: 6 zile, 17 ore ( promotia a expirat)
Inceput promotie: 24 Noiembrie 2021 07:00
Sfarsit promotie: 01 Decembrie 2021 00:00

Dragi Parteneri,

Asa cum v-am promis, revenim spre voi cu o surpriza!

Incepand de astazi, 24 noiembrie, lansam o noua campanie de voucher: Black Friday Voucher, prin intermediul careia toti clientii nostri pot beneficia de o reducere de 40% la produsele selectate.

Cod voucher: BF40
Start date: 24 noiembrie, ora 07:00
End date: 30 noiembrie, ora 23:59

Bannerele de reveal dedicate acestei campanii sunt acum disponibile in platforma.
Oferta se aplica doar la produsele vandute de Vivre si este valabila pana la 30.11.2021, 23:59.

Avem rugamintea de a va asigura ca de indata ce codul de voucher a expirat, acesta este sters de pe site.

Va multumim,
Echipa Vivre
Beneficii clienti Vivre:
► Puncte Vivre pentru produsele cumparate
► Peste 150.000 de produse si 1.000 de branduri
► Plata in rate
► Retur gratuit in 14 zile

Tipologia clientilor Vivre:
– Genul: femei 77% – barbati 23%;
– Segmentul principal de varsta: 25-45 de ani;
– Topul oraselor din care provin: Bucuresti, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta;

Cosul mediu de cumparaturi: aproximativ 390 lei

Dear Partners,

As we promised, we are reaching out to you with a surprise!

Starting today, November 24, we are launching a new voucher campaign: Black Friday Voucher, through which all our customers can benefit from a 40% discount on selected products.

Voucher code: BF40
Start date: November 24, 07:00
End date: November 30, 23:59

The reveal banners are now available on the platform.
The offer applies only to products sold by Vivre and it is valid until 30.11.2021, 23:59.

Please make sure the voucher code is removed from the website once it expires.

Thank you,
Team Vivre
Vivre customer benefits:
► Vivre points for purchased products
► Over 150,000 products and 1,000 brands
► Payment in installments
► Free return in 14 days

Vivre customer typology:
- Gender: women 77% - men 23%;
- Main age segment: 25-45 years;
- Top cities from: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta;
Average shopping cart: approximately 390 lei.